The English-speaking, international Postgraduate Programme in Curating (CAS/MAS) presents the projects of its six graduates in video presentations, text and image, and discussion online on the 11th June 2021. This year’s graduation show brings together contemporary, experimental and critical positions of curating on current social, political and economic issues.
In spite of – or perhaps because of – the ongoing restrictions imposed by the Corona Virus graduates are always engaged at the intersection of physical and digital means, nonetheless realizing projects in real space and discussions in digital.
Workshop Taipei Bienniale_Group with TNUA
“My eyes follow the shape of the trees through a horizontal line, parallel to the ground, from right to left. The feet follow my eyes, the body follows my feet. What lies in front of me is an encounter with dialogue. Constructing image by image, giving shape to it. What do I see? What do I hear?”
Arianna Guidi
“The goal is to decentralise the (human) experience of the forest from a decolonial, feminist, and non-anthropocentric perspective. On the one side, it would aim to go beyond the culture/nature dichotomy and reframe the possibility of our experience of “being-in-the-nature” and “being-with-the-nature” itself – to a large extent.”
Jose Caceres
Hilla Toony Navok, Rolling_Rooms. Photograph by Brigham Baker.
“The curatorial complex describes the curatorial field in the flux of theory and practice, production and reflection, discourse and materiality. Gronemeyer claims an intrinsic social dimension to the curatorial complex, specifically when it comes to knowledge production in the curated encounter.”
Maya Bamberger
An Ode to Adulting is a contemplation of adulthood, within and against a myriad of backdrops. Adulthood/adulting is observed through films whose stories draw on the poetry of coming of age, “being of age”, and a latter part of agehood where often, it seems, a realization of failure and/or misguidedness in the performance of adult are had.”
Abongile Willi
“According to Walter Benjamin, the collector is someone who allows the story to be connected from past to present: the collector keeps the past alive and the history dynamic through the collection itself.”
Alina Baldini
“Judith Butler hat sich in ihrem Buch ‘Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter’ Gedanken gemacht, welche ‘neue Form der Politik sich abzeichnet, wenn der Diskurs über die feministische Politik nicht länger von der Identität als gemeinsamen Grund eingeschränkt wird.’”
Daniela Hediger
Memory for Forgetfulness
The exhibition examines three different experiences of using art as a tool in dealing with memories: a) the role of art in the shock of a traumatic experience, b) the feeling of distance and loss that trigger the urge to search history and memory in order to bring the past to the present, c) the constructed memory, or the imagined memory.
Rafia Kodmani
ISMYRNE by Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, video still
Workshop Digital Choreography with Be van Vark
This workshops tested out intimacy and closeness in digital space. They are connected to the shared exhibition on Digital Curating, scheduled for October 2021.
The workshop aimed to reconnect body and mind. The focus of the workshop is on practice. It entailed breathing, body awareness and perception exercises. It was improvised, listening focussed, and creative.
Hybrid excursion to ruruHaus, Kassel, October 2020
Curating on the Move – Taipei Bienniale Conference
Workshop Taipei Bienniale_Group with TNUA
Shared Campus Workshop and Conference alongside Taipei Biennale 2020
The Postgraduate Programme in Curating organized a conference and workshop in collaboration with Martin Guinard and Bruno Latour, directors of the Taipei Biennale 2020. The workshop was part of the Shared Campus cooperation platform, this particular workshop is organized by MAS in Curating, ZHdK, and TNUA.
The five day workshop (Mid November 2020) dealt with the Taipei Biennale’s topic on ecology and world-making. A big emphasis lies on participatory and performative activities from local artists and acteurs, who will be part of Small Projects for Coming Communities (
Contemporary Art Biennials – Our Hegemonic Machines in States of Emergency For this conference ( in times of crisis), we are not only interested in how content directly agitates, but also in the formats, ideas, and concepts that are delivered through the politics of display, through specific forms of production and dissemination, through proposed communities and subjectivities—the more subtle ways of the bio-political arena when we encounter art. What forms can we use in states of emergency? In the conference, we wanted to critically explore the pitfalls and benefits of these machines, how to use them progressively and how to keep and strengthen the cultural exchange they can provide. Biennials in that sense can become imaginary machines to shape and influence possible futures.
With video works by Paloma Ayala, Baltensperger + Siepert, Daniela Brugger, Luke Ching, Chto Delat, Enar de Dios Rodríguez, Harun Farocki, Jeff Hong, Marc Lee, Yoshinori Niwa, Dima Nechawi, Mohamad Omran, Uriel Orlow, Ursula Palla, Robert Schlicht + Romana Schmalisch, Jonas Staal.
And with participation of the activist and cultural groups: Architecture for Refugees Schweiz, Autonome Schule Zürich, The Creative Memory of The Syrian Revolution, „le peuple qui manque – a people is missing (Kantuta Quiros, Aliocha Imhoff), Love Lazers, Libreria delle Donne, Bern, Progetto Oreste, Stadtlücken, Video Activism, Warsaw Biennale, Who writes his_tory?, The Media Office of Kafranbel.
The exhibition assembles the politically engaged practices of artists and practices of activists, whose work is directly concerned with taking up political positions and engaging in interventions, ground work and various forms of activism. The exhibition aims to become a contact zone where different publics are invited to actively negotiate what has to be done, and in what way.
The project will take place at the OnCurating Space and elsewhere in March 2020, and will include an extensive event programme with various encounters, series of talks, lectures and discussions as way of examining these intersectionalities and sharing an expanded public space.
Excursion to Tel Aviv
25 January – 16 February 2020
Small Project for Coming Communities at Studio Bank, Tel Aviv